Do you recognize the book below from Ms. Sarah's READ poster?!?
A middle school reading / social studies teacher in Texas,
U.S. wrote,
The Book Whisperer, and tells about some great ideas to use in the classroom
that help get students excited about reading!
The Book Whisperer started as a blog that she kept... you can see her blog by clicking here. Not only is Donalyn Miller able to
get students excited about reading... but she teaching them to love
reading for life.
I really like,
The Book Whisperer, and it is one of the
few books that I actually packed to bring with me when I moved to Vietnam from the States this past summer.
Last year at the elementary school that I was working at, each teacher was able to choose one book to receive as a gift from our principal for Teacher Appreciation Week...
this is the book I chose.
When I arrived at the AIS middle school in July, I noticed that we also had a brand new copy of it here! ...Great! I had not ready my copy yet and was excited to get to reading it soon... but first, I had an entire library collection to try and get familiar with.
I put the school's copy of,
The Book Whisperer, on display ...and it caught Ms. Sarah's eye. She really enjoyed the book and she recommended it to me, as I still hadn't gotten around to reading my copy yet. :P
This book is meant for teachers to read... and how teachers can get their students to love reading -- on their own, not just for school -- ...but I wanted to share with you through this post, how books can make connections between people.
When Ms. Sarah checked out,
The Book Whisperer, her and I barely knew one another.
Now, she is one of my closest friends! ...This book was the basis of many talks between us as we got to know one another in the beginning of the school year. :)